Saturday, July 21, 2012

Baby went to Amsterdam ...

Queensday. There is not a better time in the year when you can visit Holland, especially Amsterdam. Queensday happens allways the 30th of April and usually the whole weekend before the city is full of people, full of parties. Me and my friends decided to go to see this craziness and also celebrate here our bdays. We left FFM and arrived early on Friday, got us to our hostel, which may wasnt very luxurious, but had a perfect central location. The weather was unpleasant and to deal with not enough sleep from the previous days, we just found some nice place with „all inclusive breakfast“ in the city centre and chilled there for couple of hours. What to do in any city when its raining? Galeries, Museums. Amsterdam has lots to offer, besides traditional art galleries with famous names like Rembrandt or Van Gogh, there are also the less traditional like museum of sex, Marihuana Mueum, Heineken Museum and so on. We chose the first untraditional one, the museum of Sex but only because it was very close and we were tired from the trip. After the weather got better we were exploring the city and soon we were familiar with most of the parts of Amsterdam.
Clubing. Jimmy Woo, the first thing coming to my mind, when someone says Amsterdam clubing. There is many possibilites, but be ready to wait in a long line even though you have a ticket to get in one of the good clubs. But the experience is worth of waiting. Supperclub, this well known chain is also here, but to get in is like mission impossible for normal people. Usually you have to take a dinner here and then stay for the party. The others are Odeon, Studio80, Sugar Factory and many more. If you check rankings of the best clubs in this city, Jimmy Woo will be on the top of the lists. In all travel guides you will find that if you are not on the guest list, you dont even have to try to get in. We took a cab to this legendary club, after seeing the crowd, we decided to walk a bit more around as this there are many clubs and bars in the …, another huge line was infront of the Melkweg: „Tonight Skrillex Sold Out“. We went back to the Jimmy Woo. After waiting for more than one hour trying to persuade the guy at the door that we really are worthy to enter, we finally got in. And it was even better than I expected. People looked a bit older than in a regular club, they were mostly Dutch, Italian or Russian. Not all of them very dressed nicely, but most of them were drinking Champagne. I noticed couple of tables with older guys having some russian hotties entertaining them. After entering the bar area, we were invited to drink Möet with some hot Dutch guys. One of them was celbrating the acceptance to the doctor studies in the US. They were all so nice, that after all we spent with them the whole night. Downstairs was a dance floor with a bar in the middle and a perfect sound system and awesome house music, dont remember the DJ though.
Shopping. Unfortunately we didnt come for shopping, but the possibilities are almost unlimited. You can find everything, besides the traditional shopping, there are many specific little shops with vintage clothes, luxury things and artie staff.
Queensday. The night before the Queensday we could choose out of many events happening for free in the streets, mostly open airs. Everyone is partying, you can always find some stage with your type of music, you just take some alcohol along and you can party. This madness is going on till the next day. During the queensday you will allways find your free open air stage. Since morning people start to drink, dance, streets are full of stands with different things to sell. As we saw most of the people in the streets are tourists, the locals keep it more chilled usually with their friends at someones place. You can always find your free open air stage. Our day started with a breakfast at one of the closest coffeshop, where we had a space cake on an empty stomach. Not a good idea, especially for those, who are not used to smoke any weed. After we were walking around the city, enjoying music and meeting people. Definitely one of the must do party event.

I dont remember when exactly I felt in love with Holland, but it definitely happend quickly. You must go up there, experience the country, spend some time with the locals, visit some of their homes, found out about their style of living and you will see many things so differently. The most cool place to live is probably the west and southwest part of Amsterdam, and all the neighbourhood around the „nine streets“. You will feel little bit of upper east side here, if you watch gossip girl. The buildings are in an old style, not huge, mostly with 2-3 floors and with big windows. When outside is a nice weather, people living here, are usually sitting at the open window with a glass of wine watching the channels, chillin, talking and playing some music. How cool. I felt how much they can enjoy the life. The ones living downstairs, just open their front door and they can do bbq on the streets. No one cares, some of the passing people may start a smalltalk with you. Everyone is so chilled even though they are all very busy not only with the job, but also with the social life. Most of the Dutch people dont spend  time home watching TV, they have too many connections and social networks, that it takes quite a lot of free time to satisfy all of them. All the school, high school, university, sport and other club networks are regularly throwing social events. The Dutch people dont like to miss any of them, as they like to be surrounded by many people and having many connections. Even having a baby is not stoping them, they just have the kids „by the way“. This attitude may sound unrealistic to someone coming from different country with strong family values, but it seems pretty cool to me. All of these we could see and experience thanks to our friends we have visited.

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