Thursday, June 28, 2012


I am probably late with this original accessory, as it already appeared in Vogue in 2010, but after last season, there is a huge comeback of feathers. We can see it everywhere, rings, earrings, belts, headbands, necklaces, handbags or shoes (my favourite for this summer are from Buffalo). The best way how to shine: wear headdresses. Yeah, its little bit controversal, but everyone will notice you. Not very easy to find them but there is a perfect website for this kind of accessories:, others can be found at Urban Outfitters, Asos or Zara.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Big Pony Fragrance Collection

Ralph Lauren made a really good marketing move, after they lunched these 4 fragrances, there is now, at least here in Germany, "Big Pony Fragrance Collection Madness". In most of the parfume stores you get a pony bag as a gift if you purchase one fragrances from this line. This is not only a pretty good deal, as the 100 ml fragrance is about 60 EUR, but the bags are just adorable. Fragrances are amazing too. My biggest favourits are the Pink and the Violet Ponies. It was a huge dilema to choose between those two. The pink one is very fruity, very summer, very fun. The violet is more oriental and stylish. The other 2 are to me too sporty.  Finally i went for the number 2 Big Pink Pony, probably because it just feels like summer. 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Just being cool ... in Germany

It is not my first time, that I am spending longer time in Germany. To me it´s a very nice place to live, people are nice, they like to keep the distance and it takes some time to become a part of their lives, but they are not fake. They are hard working, very disciplined, they like their rules and they would never argue about them. They have it all, most of them. They are driving expensive cars, going out, shopping, travelling. They have a strong economy, enough jobs for graduates, all kinds of internships and also strong state´s support for those who weren´t lucky to find a satisfying job. Most of the young people speak perfectly english, some of them spent some time abroad, mainly in Australia or Asia. But sometimes the way how they think is just incomprehensible. Its probably associated with their love in bureaucracy. Why would you make something more complicated than it really is? Thats just one of cultural differencies which everyone would face coming over here for longer time. But with all these resources, I was really wondering why are they not living it up. Everything has to go according to the plan. Spontaneous? Never heard of it. They would never sacrifice a bit of their comfort to enjoy the life a bit more. And that´s a little bit sad.

How will I benefit?